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His-tagged Protein Purification
- B-PER Bacterial Protein Extraction Reagent (Fisher catalog # PI78248, Pierce catalog # 78248)
- HisTrap FF 1 mL (Fisher catalog # 17525501)
Bacterial Lysis
- Follow the instructions using the B-PER reagent.
- Add 2M imidazole to a final concentration of 20 mM.
- Filter the extracted protein solution through a 0.22 um syringe filter.
FPLC affinity purification
Buffer Preparation
- All buffers should be passed through a 0.22 um filter and allowed to equilibrate at 4C overnight before use. These steps remove particles and air bubbles which can damage the column.
Preparation of the Lines
- Attach the appropriate (typically 2 mL) sample loop.
- Rinse the sample loop with water.
- Select Manual: Flowpath: Injection Valve: Load.
- Inject 2.5 mL Millipore water into the sample injection port. Make sure that you see drops entering the waste container.
- Repeat 2.5 mL Millipore water injection.
- Replace existing buffers in lines A2 and B with Millipore water.
- Place lines A2 and B in ~500 mL container of Millipore water.
- Select Manual:
- Pump: Flow: 5mL/min
- Pump: Gradient: 50% B, length of gradient 0
- Flowpath: Injection Valve: Inject
- Flowpath: Column Position: Bypass Column Position 1
- Flowpath: Buffer Valve: A2
- Other: Pause TimeOut: 50 mL accumulated volume
- Replace the water in lines A2 and B with low imidazole and high imidazole buffer, respectively.
- Place lines A2 and B in low imidazole and high imidazole buffer, respectively.
- Select Manual:
- Pump: Flow: 5mL/min
- Pump: Gradient: 0% B, length of gradient 0
- Flowpath: Injection Valve: Inject
- Flowpath: Column Position: Bypass Column Position 1
- Flowpath: Buffer Valve: A2
- Other: Pause TimeOut: 35 mL accumulated volume
- Select Manual:
- Pump: Flow: 5mL/min
- Pump: Gradient: 100% B, length of gradient 0
- Flowpath: Injection Valve: Inject
- Flowpath: Column Position: Bypass Column Position 1
- Flowpath: Buffer Valve: A2
- Other: Pause TimeOut: 35 mL accumulated volume
Column Washing & Equilibration
- Note: the maximum backpressure that a HisTrap FF column can tolerate is 0.3 MPa
- Equilibrate the sample loop with the appropriate buffer.
- Load 2.5 mL of B-PER reagent (or buffer that your protein lysate is in) in a syringe. Inject into the sample port.
- Wash residue off a previously used column. Select Manual:
- Pump: Flow: 1mL/min
- Pump: Gradient: 100% B, length of gradient 0
- Flowpath: Injection Valve: Inject
- Flowpath: Column Position: Column 4 (or position of HisTrap column)
- Flowpath: Buffer Valve: A2
- Other: Pause TimeOut: 15 mL accumulated volume (for a 5 mL column; should be ~3 column volumes)
- Equilibrate the column. Select Manual:
- Pump: Flow: 1mL/min
- Pump: Gradient: 0% B, length of gradient 0
- Flowpath: Injection Valve: Inject
- Flowpath: Column Position: Column 4 (or position of HisTrap column)
- Flowpath: Buffer Valve: A2
- Other: Pause TimeOut: 50 mL accumulated volume (for a 5 mL column; should be ~10 column volumes)
Run Programmed Separation Program
- Check that the fraction collector is filled with tubes and correctly aligned.
- Load your sample into the sample loop.
- Select Manual: Flowpath: Injection Valve: Load.
- Inject your sample into the sample injection port.
- Run CAjoHisMethod for 5 mL columns and run CAjoHisMethod1mL for 1 mL columns.