To cut dsDNA using restriction enzymes for analysis (analytical scale digest).
We use both NEB and Fermentas enzymes, so protocols for both are below.
Protocol 1: Analytical Digest of plasmids using Fermentas FastDigest Enzymes
- Note: This is a small scale digest, which serves to check the identity of the plasmid and parts.
- Mix:
- up to 200 ng plasmid DNA (typically ~1-2 uL of a mini-prep)
- 1 µL 10x FastDigest buffer
- distilled water to 10 µL total volume
- 0.5 µL enzyme 1 (1 Fast Digest unit/µL), typically either EcoRI or XbaI
- 0.5 µL enzyme 2 (1 Fast Digest unit/µL), typically either SpeI or PstI
- Incubate at least 5 minutes in a metal block at 37 °C.
- Add 2.5 µL 5x DNA loading buffer and run on appropriate percentage agarose gel.
Protocol 2: Analytical Digest of plasmids using NEB Enzymes
- Use the double digest finder (on the NEB website)to identify the best NEBuffer, the recommended incubation temperature, and whether addition of BSA is recommended.
- Mix:
- up to 200 ng plasmid DNA (typically ~1-2 uL of a mini-prep)
- 1 µL 10x NEB buffer
- if suggested, 1 µL 10x BSA
- distilled water to 10 µL total volume
- 0.5 µL enzyme 1 (1 Fast Digest unit/µL), typically either EcoRI or XbaI
- 0.5 µL enzyme 2 (1 Fast Digest unit/µL), typically either SpeI or PstI
- Incubate at least 30 minutes in a metal block at recommended temperature.
- Add 2.5 µL 5x DNA loading buffer and run on appropriate percentage agarose gel.