Double congratulations to Michaela – on starting her new job at Michigan State University and on the acceptance of our review to Biotechnology & Bioengineering on using synthetic biology to engineer exoelectrogens!
Welcome, Marimikel!
A warm welcome to Marimikel Charrier, who just joined our group as a Research Assistant!
Check these reviews out!
Click over to Advanced Materials and Current Opinion in Biotechnology, where we just published two reviews! The review in Advanced Materials focuses on nanostructures that transport ions and electrons across cellular membranes, while the Current Opinion review discusses biometallurgy.
Congratulations, Annie and Dimitri!
Three cheers each for our graduating seniors, Annie Li and Dimitri Umpriani, for being nominated for Senior Honors in their majors, Molecular & Cellular Biology and Chemical Biology!
Congratulations Greg!
Congratulations, Michaela!
Looking for a new group member!
We seek a new member to join our multi-disciplinary team of synthetic biologists and geochemists working to explore whether thermophilic bacteria can be engineered to selectively capture dilute, valuable target metals from waste water. Check out this short position description and email Caroline if you’re interested.
Congrats, Behzad!
Congratulations to Behzad on his paper in ACS Nano!!
Congratulations Alex, Jia, Ramya, and Ken!
Congratulations go out to our collaborators and users in Alex Noy’s group – Jia Geng, Ramya Tunuguntla, and Ken Kim – for their trio of papers that just came out in Nature, Nano Letters, and Advanced Materials!
Congratulations Michaela and Tom!
Congrats to Michaela and Tom on their paper just published in ChemElectroChem!
“The Mtr pathway of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 couples substrate utilization to current production in Escherichia coli.”