Purpose: To visualize cells on an electrode surface.
Materials needed:
- 50 mM PIPES buffer
- Cells on an electrode
DAPI Procedure
Authors: Heather Jensen & Behzad Rad
- Dissolve DAPI to a final concentration of 1 ug/mL in 10mL 50 mM PIPES buffer.
- Wash the electrode by dipping it in ~45mL 50 mM PIPES buffer in a 50 mL beaker. Wait for 30 s.
- Repeat twice with fresh PIPES buffer.
- Immerse the electrode in the 10mL solution of DAPI and incubate for 30s.
- Wash the electrode by dipping it in 50 mM PIPES buffer.
- Place the electrode on a #1.5 22×60 mm coverslip.
- Image with the Zeiss 710.
NanoOrange Procedure
Authors: Sahand Pirbadian & Moh El-Naggar, USC
- Deposit 10uL of the culture (OD~0.5) on a glass slide.
- Add 0.2 uL of NanoOrange main component.
- Mixed the NanoOrange and cells on the glass slide using a pipette.
- Cover the slide with a cover-slip and image right away.
- You can wait for 10-15 minutes, but in our samples cells were well stained even right after adding the NanoOrange, so there was no need to wait.
Note from Sahand: I hope this is helpful, let me know if you have any questions or if you need the procedure for imaging live cells in a chamber, because we found that to be a little different.